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Offshore development plays an extremely important role for those, who have a flood of orders and are short of time or resources to complete the work.

It is well known that in-house software development requires time, skilled manpower and the proper equipment. So the developer provides all hardware and software equipment, and then the clients have all the ownership rights -intellectual property and software source code at the completion of the project as well.

Offshore development allows cutting production costs and what is really important there is no need to compromise on either speed or quality. So the main and outstanding advantage of offshore programming is its lower cost accompanied by the high quality of our products.

Software development is a highly technical job.
Outsourcing can also be a problem for many Indian software development companies or US

with Vyvone this problem does not exists as our professional project managers are will closely cooperate with you to help you better understand what the outsourcing is and how to better combine your company's and Vyvone resources.